1. Hoag, C. (2008). "Gay couples across California trade weekend vows." Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hZmLBrL36NObNyMR0ghXN7vB5hYwD91EQ0300
2. Logiweb. (2008). "International Day Against Homophobia " Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://www.homophobiaday.org/default.aspx?scheme=1204.
3. McDonough, M. (2006). "Gay Iraqis fear for their lives." Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4915172.stm.
4. Samii, F. A. a. B. (2008). "Iran: Is There An Anti-Homosexual Campaign." Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2005/09/febbe245-8b6f-4d30-a77f-d0b40c23da05.html.
5. (2008). "Gay Rights." Retrieved 4 May, 2008 from http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gayrights.
6. (2008). " GAY RIGHTS: Fact File." Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://www.publicagenda.org/issues/factfiles_detail.cfm?issue_type=gay_rights&list=10.
7. (2008). "GAY RIGHTS: Overview-The Issue at a Glance." Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://www.publicagenda.org/issues/overview.cfm?issue_type=gay_rights.
8. (2006). "Iran: Two More Executions for Homosexual Conduct." Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2005/11/21/iran12072.htm.
9. (1999). "Lesbian And Gay Rights." Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://www.hrw.org/worldreport99/special/gay.html.
10. (2008). "New Zealand History online." Retrieved 4 May, 2008, from http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/tags/gay-rights.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thanks for reading and taking part!

After making this blog, i personally have learnt many things i didnt know before. For example, i did not know about the Homophobia day or how many countries are against homosexuality. I hope that by making this blog, it will make some awareness for anybody who reads through it. Gay people deserve to be treated equally just like everybody out there. Thier love life should not be any bodys business and they should Definitely not feel under threat. Although some countries kill gay people, hopefully with time to come, this behaviour will change. We are all humans at the end and noone has the right to take another persons life. I hope this Blog was also interesting to my blog members and that you guys all took some knowledge from it. I am happy that New Zealand is now relaxed about the idea of Gay rights and same goes to California. Lets just hope to see more people open about it. Like the poster said, Gay people can be mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers etc therefore we should respect who they are and the decisions they make. We are all one people.
Thanks for commenting everybody!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Countries where homosexuality is illegal
i will list all the countries where homosexuality is illegal and the countries in bold means that homosexuals there are in subject to the death penalty
For lesbians and gay men-
Africa- Algeria,Angola,Benin,Burundi,Cameroun,Cape Verde,Djibouti,Ethiopia,Guinea,Liberia,Libya,Malawi,Mauritania*,Mauritius,Morocco,Senegal,Sudan*,Swaziland,Togo,Tunisia
Asia / Pacific- Afghanistan*,Bangladesh,Brunei,Pakistan*,Solomon Islands,Western Samoa
Middle East- Bahrain,Iran*,Lebanon,Oman,Qatar,Saudi Arabia*,Syria,United Arab Emirates,Yemen*
The Americans- Barbados,Belize,Grenada,Nicaragua,Puerto Rico,Saint Lucia,Trinidad and Tobago
Europe- Chechen Republic*
For gay men only-
Africa- Botswana,Ghana,Gambia,Kenya,Mozambique,Namibia,Nigeria,Seychelles,Sierre Leone,Somalia,Tanzania,Uganda,Zambia,Zimbabwe
Asia/Pacific- Bhutan,Burma/Myanmar,Cook Islands,Fiji,India,Kiribati,Laos,Malaysia,Maldives,Marshall Islands,Nauru,Nepal,Niue,Papua New Guinea,Singapore,Sri Lanka,Tokelau,Tonga,Tuvalu,Uzbekistan
Middle East- Kuwait
The Americans- Caymen Islands,Guyana,Jamaica,Turks abd Caicos Islands
For more info click on-
For lesbians and gay men-
Africa- Algeria,Angola,Benin,Burundi,Cameroun,Cape Verde,Djibouti,Ethiopia,Guinea,Liberia,Libya,Malawi,Mauritania*,Mauritius,Morocco,Senegal,Sudan*,Swaziland,Togo,Tunisia
Asia / Pacific- Afghanistan*,Bangladesh,Brunei,Pakistan*,Solomon Islands,Western Samoa
Middle East- Bahrain,Iran*,Lebanon,Oman,Qatar,Saudi Arabia*,Syria,United Arab Emirates,Yemen*
The Americans- Barbados,Belize,Grenada,Nicaragua,Puerto Rico,Saint Lucia,Trinidad and Tobago
Europe- Chechen Republic*
For gay men only-
Africa- Botswana,Ghana,Gambia,Kenya,Mozambique,Namibia,Nigeria,Seychelles,Sierre Leone,Somalia,Tanzania,Uganda,Zambia,Zimbabwe
Asia/Pacific- Bhutan,Burma/Myanmar,Cook Islands,Fiji,India,Kiribati,Laos,Malaysia,Maldives,Marshall Islands,Nauru,Nepal,Niue,Papua New Guinea,Singapore,Sri Lanka,Tokelau,Tonga,Tuvalu,Uzbekistan
Middle East- Kuwait
The Americans- Caymen Islands,Guyana,Jamaica,Turks abd Caicos Islands
For more info click on-
After researching about gay rights in the world, i came across some positive news and some negative ofcourse. Previously on my blog, i posted some articles about homosexuals in the middle east. They were not pretty articles what so ever. Unfortunately i came across more horrifying news about homosexuality in Iran. I wanted to share some of what i found as this blog is also focussing on how some Gay people are treated throughout the world and i want everybody to be aware of what is taking place in some of these countries, where human rights are not considered important. ( sorry about the picture but it helps people to see how inhumane these punishments are for just being gay!)
"According to Islamic law, homosexuality is a capital crime.
The execution of two Iranian males in July and current allegations that two more Iranian men are on death row because they are gay has led to allegations of an anti-homosexual campaign in Iran. But homosexuality is just part of the laundry list of charges leveled against people caught up in the Iranian justice system, and in a country with such a reprehensible human rights record, the actual charges rarely have a connection with reality".
Mahmud Asgari (left) and Ayaz Marhoni before being publicly hanged on 9 July
..."According to some sources of Islamic law, Ismailian said, the punishments for homosexuality include being thrown from a mountain, immolation, or execution by sword..."
What do you guys think of this? Should religion such as islam grant away the choice of peoples partners and put them to death?
To find out more on this article click the following links-
"According to Islamic law, homosexuality is a capital crime.

Mahmud Asgari (left) and Ayaz Marhoni before being publicly hanged on 9 July
..."According to some sources of Islamic law, Ismailian said, the punishments for homosexuality include being thrown from a mountain, immolation, or execution by sword..."
What do you guys think of this? Should religion such as islam grant away the choice of peoples partners and put them to death?
To find out more on this article click the following links-
Something to think about!
Why should the government be involved in peoples PERSONAL freedoms? Why is it up to a few people who are in postition able to reject or accept homosexuality in a country? The government shouldnt be able to tell you who you can marry..

These posters are designed to educate people about homosexuals and that they can be anybody. I think these posters are good because they speak out to people by teaching them about diversity and acceptance of everybody around us.
Check out these posters..
Doesnt it make you think about people who are homosexuals?

These posters are designed to educate people about homosexuals and that they can be anybody. I think these posters are good because they speak out to people by teaching them about diversity and acceptance of everybody around us.
Gay Marriage Is Good for America
Gay marriage in America has only recently become legalised in California. This decission took effect on June 16, 2008. California is the second U.S State, after Massachusetts to make marriage licenses available to same-sex couples.
They have already began to marrying same sex couples this week. The first to be wed in San Francisco were Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, pioneering gay-rights activists who have been a couple for more than 50 years.
For some homosexuals in some countries, it seems that love separates them from marriage instead of connecting them with it. This is because they are forbidden to marry thier same sex partner.
To read more about Gay rights in california, click on the following links-
Do you guys think that legalising same sex marriage in california was a good idea? Will this persuade other states/countries to take the same step? .. share your thoughts!
They have already began to marrying same sex couples this week. The first to be wed in San Francisco were Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, pioneering gay-rights activists who have been a couple for more than 50 years.
For some homosexuals in some countries, it seems that love separates them from marriage instead of connecting them with it. This is because they are forbidden to marry thier same sex partner.
To read more about Gay rights in california, click on the following links-
Do you guys think that legalising same sex marriage in california was a good idea? Will this persuade other states/countries to take the same step? .. share your thoughts!
International Day Against Homophobia Posters 2008

The international day against homophobia is a campaign set out to show people that Homosexuality is not a sickness. People would often have this view upon gay people because mental health professionals considered sexual activity between two people of the same sex an illness. Homosexuality was also indeed listed as a “sickness” in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorder). This listing however, was finally removed in 1973.
On May 17, 1991, the World Health Organisation (WHO) removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. In 1992, this withdrawal was officially recorded in its international classification (ICD-10). At its 2006 National Conference, the American Psychological Association restated its position in which homosexuality was not an illness.
On May 17, 1991, the World Health Organisation (WHO) removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. In 1992, this withdrawal was officially recorded in its international classification (ICD-10). At its 2006 National Conference, the American Psychological Association restated its position in which homosexuality was not an illness.
To find out more click on the following links-
Below are the posters designed for this international day. They are very eye catching and meaningful. I think these posters persuade people to accept homosexuals and know that it is something normal and not a sickness.

Do you guys think this campaign will help homosexuals have equal rights and show the world that homosexuals should be widely accepted?? please comment!
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