Check out these posters..
Doesnt it make you think about people who are homosexuals?

These posters are designed to educate people about homosexuals and that they can be anybody. I think these posters are good because they speak out to people by teaching them about diversity and acceptance of everybody around us.
I really like those posters. I think they are really good and really get the message across that gay people can be our closest friends and family and we need to start being more supportive of them. They deserve happiness too.
The posters you have are so true, people who are homosexuals don’t go around flaunting or yelling around to the public that they are gay or their a lesbian, they are private people who just like to mind their own business just like many other human beings. For all some people know, someone in their family or a co-worker or even their boss could be gay and they didn’t even know, because they are not the sort of people that shove their business into other people. Homosexuals don’t parade their gayness onto other people so I don’t see what the huge problem is all about, there should be no issues. I know there are people from different cultures who will have different views on this topic than me, but I was brought up where you treat everyone as an equal and no one is better than any one else and to me that applies to all people, gay, lesbian or straight!!!!!
Also, I think these posters do show acceptance of homosexuals, which is what more people need to be doing, it is a very common thing in our society today and people will need to accept that gay and lesbian people have their rights to be happy and be loved just like anyone else.
Do you guys feel differently about this topic??
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