After researching about gay rights in the world, i came across some positive news and some negative ofcourse. Previously on my blog, i posted some articles about homosexuals in the middle east. They were not pretty articles what so ever. Unfortunately i came across more horrifying news about homosexuality in Iran. I wanted to share some of what i found as this blog is also focussing on how some Gay people are treated throughout the world and i want everybody to be aware of what is taking place in some of these countries, where human rights are not considered important. ( sorry about the picture but it helps people to see how inhumane these punishments are for just being gay!)
"According to Islamic law, homosexuality is a capital crime.

The execution of two Iranian males in July and current allegations that two more Iranian men are on death row because they are gay has led to allegations of an anti-homosexual campaign in Iran. But homosexuality is just part of the laundry list of charges leveled against people caught up in the Iranian justice system, and in a country with such a reprehensible human rights record, the actual charges rarely have a connection with reality".
Mahmud Asgari (left) and Ayaz Marhoni before being publicly hanged on 9 July..."According to some sources of Islamic law, Ismailian said, the punishments for homosexuality include being thrown from a mountain, immolation, or execution by sword..."What do you guys think of this? Should religion such as islam grant away the choice of peoples partners and put them to death?
To find out more on this article click the following links-
I think it is soooo unbelievably disgusting that Iranians are so concerned about getting rid of gay men by hanging them! What about murders and rapists!!! People who do insanely horrible things here in New Zealand, and they just get a prision sentence, yet there are innocent men just trying to live their life in Iran and they get hanged for that. Its so wrong. If they are going to hang homosexuals, why dont they hang people who have affairs? Or people who dont pay their bills. Its bullsh*it!
I think the information you got from this article is horrible. How could people publicly kill two men just because they loved each other?? I really do not understand how this crazy world works sometimes, why do countries like Iran have such major issues with homosexual people, especially being so tough about it that they have to kill them if they are gay or a lesbian. Something really needs to be done to change these laws, it is just pathetic, all people have rights but it seems that homosexuals don’t have any if they want to be gay or a lesbian does it????
i know its really sad, people get away with so much horrible things these days like you guys said. Iran doesnt seem convinced about gays having rights, they are totally against it which is really sad 2 see because innocent people are dying
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