After making this blog, i personally have learnt many things i didnt know before. For example, i did not know about the Homophobia day or how many countries are against homosexuality. I hope that by making this blog, it will make some awareness for anybody who reads through it. Gay people deserve to be treated equally just like everybody out there. Thier love life should not be any bodys business and they should Definitely not feel under threat. Although some countries kill gay people, hopefully with time to come, this behaviour will change. We are all humans at the end and noone has the right to take another persons life. I hope this Blog was also interesting to my blog members and that you guys all took some knowledge from it. I am happy that New Zealand is now relaxed about the idea of Gay rights and same goes to California. Lets just hope to see more people open about it. Like the poster said, Gay people can be mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers etc therefore we should respect who they are and the decisions they make. We are all one people.
Thanks for commenting everybody!
Well Maryam, I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog, I have also learnt a lof from your blog. I never knew that people could be killed in some countries for being gay, it is just so ridiculous. But like you have said Maryam, many countries now accept gay and lesbian people and they can ever get married now, so hopefully after a while many more countries will do the same. Gay and lesbian people are no different than us and they deserve as much respect as the rest of us!!
Really good blog Maryam!
Well done!!!!
thanks ash and same goes to your blog :) it was awesome!!
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